In his quest to gain enlightenment, he tried to pacify his emotions.
Now, he's learned better. There's value in fury.
"For your allergies, this will help," the doctor said as she handed him a pill.
"What about my other problems?" he replied. "My eyesight? My anxiety?" A little quieter, " autism?"
"Some of those things we can mend," she replied. "But some of them we shouldn't."
"I can #revive her," the man in the black coat says. The hospital's fluorescent lights flicker.
"What will it cost me?"
The man sighs. "Does it matter?"
"No, I guess not."
She wakes up to an empty room.
"...and so the duckling became a swan, and the rest of the swans finally accepted him."
"So it's about the importance of appearance?"
"Umm...the value of conformity?"
"Also no."
"...that fate is immutable?"
"Still no."
"Hmm. I guess I'm still a duckling."