Story Time, Volume 42
"Banished, I say!" the priest ranted, pointing at his phone, "thy wolpertinger of woe, seneschal of debauchery! I cast you out!" With a flourish, he dunked the phone into the font.
"Is he...exorcising his phone?"
"As a prank, I downloaded TikTok onto it. I figured it’d take him ten minutes to get hooked - to his credit, it only took him five.”
From the front of the class, the Philosophy of Magic professor began the lecture. “Knowledge in its solid form is referred to as a 'book'.”
“Knowledge in its liquid form is then referred to as a 'lake'.
And finally, Knowledge in its gaseous form is called many different names by many different peoples. But I prefer to use the term 'fart'.
And round and around the table it spun, till it fell asunder at last;
now the trickles of dust flow ceaselessly out the broken hourglass.
The Moon slides in front of the Sun and casts the Earth into its astral shadow. Like skittering ants, the scientists frantically begin their experiment. They don’t have long before the ever-watchful sun returns - and they dare not let it see what they tinker with.
If you want to find contentment, it’s quite simple: