Story Time, Volume 40
"If you were being approached by four grizzly bears,” she asked, “would you stand still or run?"
"Why four?" the engineer replied. "Is that quantity somehow relevant to the problem?"
He turned. She was already halfway up the hill.
I asked him for a piece advice; he shrugged his shoulders and offered this:
“I don’t know much, but I do know this - uncertainty is a virtue, not a vice.”
The thunderbolt hopscotches from cloud to cloud, trying to avoid falling. Below it, lightning-rods beckon like spikes in a pit.
It will eventually slip; the ground cannot be denied for ever. And when it does, its cry of despair will be heard for miles around.
“On the internet, you can be whoever you want to be.”
“But what if I don’t know who I want to be?”
“It’ll handle that too - just leave it up to the algorithm.” “
And what if I don’t like whatever it chooses for me?”
“Oh, don’t worry! You won’t know what it chooses.”
At the bottom of every life form is a beautiful chain of acids; they spiral through space, scaffolding our very sentience.
If you were to read them — and it's a particularly odd language to read, made up entirely of A, C, T, G — you'd read a script of a lifetime.