Story Time, Volume 25
This week's @DailyMicroFiction twitter stories, plus a bonus story at the end!
"It'll be just like the comics" he told himself. With that, he burst through the bank vault wall.
"Halt, thieves!"
As the police led the robbers away, the hero looked back in pride at the now-rescued bank.
He watched as the bank collapsed.
The wall had been load-bearing.
"Look at that glimmer — it's gotta be a fairy!"
His friend squinted. "Eh. Looks like a glint to me."
"A glint? What, like a shimmer?"
"No, not a shimmer, a glint! It's a glint!"
"Glint and glimmer are the same thing!"
"No they're not!"
"What's the difference?"
"Glints shimmer!"
"Of all the scientific breakthroughs of the late 21st century," the professor lectured, "the most entertaining were the breakthroughs in measurements of animal infatuation."
"Dogs loved us — and surprisingly, canaries hated us." He paused. "And cats? They were what you'd expect — we didn’t even register."
She walked down the stairs to the ballroom, amorous and languid, black silk dress rippling. As she passed, eyes widened and were quickly averted. The rumors had preceded her.
She shrugged internally. What were they going to do, arrest her?
It hadn't worked last time.
According to his court economist, the biggest problem with Midas's curse wasn't the whole turning-his-loved-ones-to-gold thing.
No, the curse was the inflation.