"Why do you hesitate?"
The lemming stared over the cliff. It was an awfully long way down.
"I dunno," he replied, "but I got a bad feeling about this."
"It's what we're made to do!"
"Maybe I wasn't made right, then."
A trust only grows with investment.
"A cat café is such a great idea!" she said, enjoying her latte as the animals roamed about.
"Isn't it? They're so cute," her partner responded. "Shame about the smell though."
"I guess humans just can't smell," the calico said. "But you gotta love them anyway."
He whispers to her, a slight breath; briefly warming her cold ear, while an intimate word warms her cold heart.
An AI can look at a burrito and tell you its mass, its volume, its macronutrient profile, its ingredients, those ingredients' countries of origin, and a million more things.
There's only one thing it can't know: how a burrito tastes.